It’s been a while …
Posted By Admin on March 12, 2022
We are still doing Good Things for the community as always!
The Covid Pandemic has made everything very difficult and slow-paced.
But we’re still out here doing what we do!
Posted By Admin on March 12, 2022
We are still doing Good Things for the community as always!
The Covid Pandemic has made everything very difficult and slow-paced.
But we’re still out here doing what we do!
Posted By Admin on January 17, 2017
First, Congratulations to the 2017 Lodge Officers.
At the beginning of the year, The WM and I put together a mailing which was sent out with a few things included.
A letter from the WM James Kent, as well as his Proposed Calendar of events.
Also Dues notices for those who haven’t yet paid their 2017 dues,
and a Contact information update form, as well as a pre-stamped self addresses envelope to send it back in.
Brothers, Please get the return items sent in as soon as possible so we can make sure we have the most current information about you, and possibly get you added to our email and phonevite lists so you can be kept up today with what is going on in the lodge.
We look forward to many good works this year, and always appreciate everyone’s help in making them successful.
If you have any question, or would like to sign up for a shift to work an event etc.
Please contact the WM or Sec. at any time.
Brat Stand dates are set and reserved for June 23&24th, and July 21&22nd. Brother Joe Nelson is handling Scheduling for work shifts.
Next meeting is a EA degree, and as always your presence and participation is appreciated. Dinner is at 6pm, Meeting and work start sharply at 7pm.
I’ll try and keep the website, as well as our Facebook Page up to date as often as possible.
If you haven’t already, like the Facebook page to get notifications of events and other updates.
Thank you,
Bro. Kevin LeQue, Secretary
Posted By Admin on January 14, 2016
Picture to follow soon…
Congratulations to all the newly elected and appointed officers for the 2016 year.
Also, Our Spring Dad’s Belgian Waffle fund raiser is coming up soon,
Please look up the lodge on facebook for details, and you can purchase tickets from
one of the lodge members or Online here on the website in the upper right corner via PayPal.
Thanks everyone for you participation and support of the lodge and it’s good workings.
Posted By Admin on February 2, 2015
Update about School of Instruction:
Wednesdays S.O.I. had been cancelled.
Tuesday will be the only night and run a little later then planned.
Posted By Admin on February 1, 2015
Greetings All,
Reminder of up coming events, and some changes to the website.
1) School of Instruction is Feb 4th & 5th at the Eau Claire Center.
All Members are encouraged to attend.
Dinner at 6pm, S.O.I. to start at 7pm both nights.
Suggested Donation for Dinner is $4.00
2) Tickets now available for the Spring Waffle Breakfast.
The Waffle Breakfast is set for Sunday April 19th at the Eau Claire Center
If you received them by mail and want to pay for them online
there is now the option to do so here on the website on the right side.
3) Dues: Please pay your dues if you haven’t done so already.
The dues are responsible for paying the Lodges overheads and expenses
are it is very important to get them paid as quickly as possible Please.
4) The 2015 Budget will be voted on at the next meeting scheduled for 2/11/15
Tickets for the Breakfast will be available there as well. Please pick some up
to sell to friends and family; as ticket sales are crucial to the success of the event.
5) Dues Payments Online: Yes, you can now pay your dues with a credit card via
Paypal. There is a Button on the Right side Top of the website that will take you to
a paypal secure payment page. There is a $3.00 additional charge to cover the processing
of this service added to the Dues.
6) Tickets for the Waffle Breakfast will be sent out to all non-attending
members of the lodge to Encourage, Remind, and Make available tickets
to those members and their families.
7) Complimentary Tickets for the Widows are being sent out the our
Lodge’s Widows as suggested and voted on by the Lodge to do so.
8) Second notices for those not paying dues yet will go out This Month (February),
Please try to save us the the cost of mailing those out by paying your dues either by mail, or
by using the new online service, whichever is more convenient to you.
Please check the Lodge Calendar regularly for dates of Meeting and special events.
Thank you Everyone for you Continued support of George B. Wheeler Lodge.
Kevin D. LeQue, Sec.
Posted By Admin on December 19, 2013
Installed Officers for the Year 2014, George B, Wheeler Lodge #351
Worshipful Master Bro. Neil Hansen With the Installing Grand Lodge Officers, Installation of Officers for the 2014 ensuing year. This is Brother Neil’s 5 time as W.M. for George B. Wheeler Lodge.
Posted By Admin on December 12, 2013
Greetings Brothers,
Posted By Admin on October 15, 2013
The Buffalo River Masonic Lodge 252 of Mondovi will be having a Masonic Service for Glenn Sheldon Haukeness on Thursday October 17, 2013 at the Lodge in Mondovi, WI, The service will start at 7 PM all Family and friends and of course his Masonic Brothers are invited to attend. Glenn was a member of the Masons for 62 years at the time of his passing. The Lodge Building is located at 245 South Franklin Street in Mondovi.
Posted By Admin on September 5, 2013
Posted By Admin on June 25, 2013
Quick reminder…
The EA degree IS Tomorrow night, Wednesday June 26th.
Please try to attend, as this is not only a Degree Night and it’s important to show our newly elected Candidate our support, but it is as well the last meeting before we go dark for the summer
We will have Waffle Breakfast Tickets available this night, to give everyone the opportunity to sell tickets through our dark months.
As you all know, the Ticket sales are Crucial to the success of our Fund Raising, so lets all do our part and get these tickets sold.
Gordy’s Brat Stands starts this weekend for our lodge, If you haven’t signed up to work and wish to do so, PLEASE get on the list. If you can’t make it to lodge, but still want to be on the work crew, please contact me and let me know.
I hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow night if you can make it.
Fellowship Dinner will start at 6pm, We’ll be having Brats.
Meeting to start sharply at 7pm,
we’ll get business done quick and move on to the degree and try to get
everyone home at a decent time.
Thank you Brothers, I hope this message finds you all well and in good spirits
Bro. Kevin D. LeQue W.M.