Blue Lodge
Blue Lodges
“Blue” Lodges are chartered by their jurisdiction’s Grand Lodge, and are called “Blue” as a symbol of the heavens under which Lodges conduct their work. Most Lodges exist in communities and generally meet twice per month for ten months. The line officers listed in rank order Below generally progress through those offices on an annual basis; thus, in an optimal situation, it would take a new line officer seven years to become Worshipful Master. In addition to the responsibilities listed below, each officer is expected to learn and perform the ritual work prescribed for his office.
Worshipful Master: Elected to run the Blue Lodge for the year. As the chief executive, the success of the Lodge is generally in proportion to the skill with which he constructs his plans and executes his designs. He runs the business of each meeting, and coordinates all activities happening in the Lodge, from degree work to committee meetings.
Senior Warden: Elected to serve as the Worshipful Master’s assistant. In the event of the Master’s absence, he assumes the duties of the Master. In addition to aiding the Master, the Senior Warden’s principal task is to layout his action-plan for his term as Master.
Junior Warden: Elected to superintend the craft while at refreshment, to maintain the balance between pleasure and intemperance. In addition to begin planning for his term as Master, his chief responsibility is to act as liaison between his lodge and its youth groups.
Senior Deacon: Appointed by the Master to assist him in attending to any business arising at the inner door of the lodge. His chief duty is to perform the ritual in receiving and conducting candidates during their degrees. Also, he is responsible to introduce and accommodate any visiting brethren.
Junior Deacon: Appointed by the Master to assist him in attending to business occurring at the outer door of the lodge. His chief duty is to perform the ritual by preparing and introducing candidates for their degrees.
Senior Steward and Junior Steward: Appointed by the Master to assist the Deacons and other officers in performing their duties. Their chief duty is to see that the tables are properly furnished at refreshment and to see that every brotherly is suitably provided for. Perhaps the most important task of the Stewards is to diligently attend meetings and learn the ritual so that they are prepared as they advance to the higher chairs.