George B. Wheeler Lodge #351 F.&A.M.

Eau Claire Wi. 616 Graham St.

Sent by a Friend

Your friend is proud of Freemasonry and the fine character of its members. He believes that you have the qualities for membership and that you deserve the opportunity to know more about it.

The words, “Friend to Friend” capture the essence and the spirit of Freemasonry. Just as the operative masons built the magnificent cathedrals centuries ago from stone to stone, Freemasonry has been built through the centuries from friend to friend. Within this unique and honorable Fraternity there exists a very special bond between men of all walks of life that has survived the most divisive political, religious and military conflicts in history.

These texts will explain what Freemasonry is, who Freemasons are, what they believe in and what they do. It is important for you to know that those who desire membership must seek it on their own. Unfortunately, without this understanding, many qualified men have not enjoyed the special rewards of membership and fellowship in Freemasonry. If after reading these texts, you have any questions or desire to know more about Freemasonry, your friend will be pleased to answer your questions or obtain the answers for you.

Whether or not you decide to seek membership in Freemasonry, you can be certain that you have a special friend within the Masonic Fraternity who thinks very highly of you. It is a message of kindness…from FRIEND TO FRIEND!

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