From the East 10/18/2011
Posted By Admin on November 18, 2011
I want to begin by thanking all who helped with the waffle breakfast on Nov. 5. This thanks goes out to all who sold tickets and put in time at the breakfast itself, as through your efforts this was a success for the lodge and it’s charities!
I hope that anyone that can, please be present at the Officer Installation on Dec. 14. We are having a catered dinner after, so R.S.V.P. is required. The cost is $15, and you have a choice of bacon-wrapped pork loin or garlic-herb-parmesan chicken breast. Anyone wishing to attend needs to please contact me no later than Dec.10/
We still have work to do selling coloring books at the mall, and delivering fruit baskets to widows. These are some of the most enjoyable activities we get to do as brothers, so I hope you will join with me; the contact info is listed above.
Last, as this is my final article, I want to thank all of my Brothers for trusting me to govern your lodge this last year. This has been an experience and an honor that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Thank you and be well my Brothers!
Mark Hink, W.M.