George B. Wheeler Lodge #351 F.&A.M.

Eau Claire Wi. 616 Graham St.

Grand Master Harker’s March 2011 Message

Posted By on February 24, 2011

Grand Master Harker’s March 2011 Message

Posted: 24 Feb 2011 07:57 AM PST

By now all Lodges have installed their officers for the 2011 Masonic year. It is always encouraging to see our new officers grow their skills to fulfill their new responsibilities. I am sure you have hopes and goals set for what you plan to accomplish this Masonic year. Share those ideas with your fellow officers and members. Engage them–it is a lot more fun if you can work together to plan and complete a project.

M.W. Joseph B. Harker – Grand Master

Your Grand Lodge officers were at Dells Lodge No.124, in Wisconsin Dells, early last summer to perform a rededication ceremony. The Brethren had spent some time cleaning up their building for the ceremony. However, there was still work to be done. I visited the Lodge for a meeting last evening and I was amazed at what the Brothers had accomplished. They have completely refurbished their building. New or cleaned carpet, a tile floor for the Altar, new fixtures in their lower level, a new storage area constructed, and the exterior had been painted. I congratulate those Brothers who took upon themselves the challenge to spruce up their building. I am sure they are planning some friends events to show prospective members their delightful facility.

While sprucing up a building shows your attachment to the Lodge, good degree work builds your confidence in yourself. This confidence will aid you in your pilgrimage through Masonry as well as in your professional career.

Your Grand Lodge officers continue to be very busy attending many events at your lodges. You will read elsewhere in the Masonic Journal about the recently completed staff meeting. Every Grand Lodge Officer and District Deputy was present and reported on their activities.

Last month I asked you to challenge yourself to learn a new part or two in our ritual. You must answer for yourself, “How am I doing?”. You know it is getting warmer, the snow is almost gone, and soon you will have outside activities to attend to and studying will become more difficult to accomplish. Do not put it off.

As I write this article I am traveling on your behalf along with your Deputy Grand Master, Senior and Junior Grand Wardens and our Grand Secretary to Denver to attend the Conference of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries of Masons in North America. There are several educational sessions that we will review and try to identify programs that might be suitable for use in our jurisdiction.

Schools of Instruction (SOI) and District meetings are not just for Lodge officers. All Master Masons are encouraged to attend. In fact, it is the newest Master Masons who will benefit the most from these meetings. Additionally, you will meet Brothers from other lodges and will have the opportunity to form lasting friendships.

ʻon the levelʼ Joe

PS: Our Annual Communication will be here before you know it. Remember that Annual Communication will be one week later this year. The dates of our Annual Communication are Friday and Saturday, June 10 & 11. Mark your calendars now.




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