George B. Wheeler Lodge #351 F.&A.M.

Eau Claire Wi. 616 Graham St.

Message from the East – 1/18/2012

Posted By on January 19, 2012

Our new Masonic Year is off to a good start — which means there’s
lots to do!
Feb. 7 and 8 is the District 2 School of Instruction. The first night
is at Chippewa Falls No. 176, and our Lodge is not responsible for any
degree work. Still I hope as many Brethren from GBW No. 351 as
possible will attend; if nothing else, in case we need to help the
Brethren from Sanctuary, who have to do the EA First Section.
Our Lodge is responsible for Closing in EA on Feb. 8, so I hope that
all of our officers will be able to attend and participate. (Because
of the School of Instruction, there will be no Stated Communication
that night.) I hope all Brethren of the Lodge who are able will attend
the School; if you haven’t been to one before, you will find it a
worthwhile experience. Our District Lecturer, Harold Christensen,
makes them enjoyable and informative.
We will also be responsible for the meal to be served Feb. 8, so
we’ll need some volunteers to show up early to help prepare. Please
contact me , or Wayne Cowan.
The other items on our agenda for the year ahead include whether to
hold another Waffle Breakfast, staffing the brat stands and by-law
changes. If you can volunteer for the breakfast or the brat stands,
please let me know; we will have chairmen for those events by the time
you read this.
Also, please don’t forget the gun raffle. If you have tickets sold
and money to turn in, get them to Jerry Spies or myself, or bring them
on the evening of Feb. 8, which is when the drawing will be held. If
you have unsold tickets, please move them — this is a very good
fundraiser for the Lodge, and an opportunity to engage friends,
neighbors and co-workers in a conversation about Freemasonry, because
the proceeds go to support good works in the community.
Hope to see you in Lodge on Feb. 8, and if not then, on Feb. 22.
Scott Thomson, W.M.


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