George B. Wheeler Lodge #351 F.&A.M.

Eau Claire Wi. 616 Graham St.

Members Profile by Bro. Bob Sloan 8/29/12

Posted By on August 29, 2012


Hello everyone. It is an honor that Shirley, Reuben’s wife, asked me to say a few words today. I told Shirley that I would try and keep it short, so here goes. My wife Jan and I moved-in next to Shirley and Reuben in 2001 and I must say they have been great neighbors. While we met their kids before, we really just got to know them these past few weeks.
Whenever I went out to get the mail after work and disappeared, Jan knew that I had stopped by to say hi to Reuben. And as you know, there was never a short visit with Reuben. He was just so interesting, I could listen to him until I lost track of time.
One time a few years after we moved in, I mentioned to Reuben that I had a Lodge meeting that evening. To my surprise, he mentioned that he was also a Mason. Turns out we both belonged to the same Lodge, G.B. Wheeler #351. While Reuben could no longer attend Lodge meetings, he still maintained his interest and membership in our Lodge.
For our Masonic newsletter, I write articles called the Member Spot Light, which Reuben had read. I asked Reuben if I could write an article about him and after several evenings in his shed, I had a pretty good article I thought. When Reuben saw that article, he said he would prefer that I not publish it, being the not-so-public kind of guy he was. So I said it would be a great obituary, which he agreed-to. So finally, that article will be in our September newsletter, the Temple Trestle Board (afterwards I decided that this Memorial Service would take the place of that original article, as Reuben’s obituary did a great job describing his life and family). However when Shirley saw my original article, being the quiet, private person she is, she asked me to not mention her. So if you want to hear how Reuben and Shirley met, you will have to ask her. However one thing Reuben mentioned in my original article, I would like to repeat today because it was so touching and heart-felt. I wrote “Shirley is as interesting and energetic as Reuben, which is saying a lot. In fact, Reuben told me this article should be about Shirley, not him, because she is so interesting. Shirley is very supportive of Reuben’s ever-changing hobbies, which have included, at one time or another, guitar playing, hunting, metal detecting, arm-chair mountaineering, wood working, yard work, arts and crafts, computers and his old tractor. And of course there is Scooter, Reuben and Shirley’s beloved dog”.
One of my fondest memories of Reuben was when he was walking Scooter around their yard and singing to his MP3 player. You could just see his his true-self then.
Well, I know that Shirley wanted me to keep it short – that is one reason she did not want a full Masonic funeral. But I think Reuben would enjoy at least a portion of a Masonic funeral, a part that has perhaps the most meaning to me and would fit Reuben’s personality:

“The acacia, or evergreen, is a symbol of eternal life. It is with certainty that our bodies shall fail and we will, as is the fate of all men, quit this mortal world. It is with equal certainty that the spirit shall go where the grave has no dominion and death no power.
          The body of our brother we commend to his Creator (deposit evergreen).
          We commend his spirit unto God who gave it (right hand raised).
          And we will cherish his memory in our hearts (hand to heart).
And now let us unite in prayer:
Supreme Architect of the Universe, Let Brotherly Love strengthen and cement us at this time of loss. May the promise of eternal life comfort us and all who held Reuben dear. Let us go forth into the world being made better for having known Reuben. We have been given the tools to build our earthly temple, may we ever live and work so that when the final role is called we may hear, “Well done good and faithful servant.” May we go now with hope and peace in the knowledge of your love. Amen. “
By Bob Sloan


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